Corporate Information

Executive Directors
Mr. WONG Kin Yip, Freddie (Chairman)
Ms. WONG Ching Yi, Angela (Deputy Chairman and Managing Director)
Mr. WONG Tsz Wa, Pierre
(Managing Director)
Mr. SZE Ka Ming (Chief Financial Officer)

Independent Non-Executive Directors
Mr. HO Kwan Tat, Ted
Mr. SUN Tak Chiu

Mr. CHAN Nim Leung Leon

Company Secretary
Ms. MUI Ngar May, Joel

Head Office and Principal Place of Business in Hong Kong
Rooms 2505-8,
25th Floor, World-Wide House,
19 Des Voeux Road Central,
Hong Kong

Certified Public Accountants

22nd Floor,Prince's Building,
Central, Hong Kong

Principal Bankers
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited
Chong Hing Bank Limited
DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
Hang Seng Bank Limited
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
OCBC Wing Hang Bank Limited

Hong Kong Branch Share Registrar and Transfer Office
Tricor Abacus Limited
17/F, Far East Finance Centre,
16 Harcourt Road,
Hong Kong

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