Corporate Social Responsibility

Leading public opinions by outlining the market trend
As an authority in the industry, the Group fully closely monitors the property market situation under market fluctuation. Through press conferences on the property market, in-depth interviews, feature stories, instant responses and accurate analyses, the Group outlined trends in the property market. It offered professional and valuable information to the market, helping the public to keep abreast of the property market.
Producing quality programs and seminars on property market to educate the public
With the principle of ¡°understanding before investing¡±, the Group produced a large number of programs about property market on its own channel, and worked with various business organisations to conduct different kinds of free seminars to analyse the trend of the property market and assist customers in home purchases, thereby actively fulfilling its corporate social responsibility.
Diversified recognition activities for the ¡°Elite Club¡±
Midland¡¯s ¡°Elite Club¡± gathers outstanding talents in the industry and continuously holds activities to build morale. As the border reopened, the Club resumed its travel activities where about 30 ¡°Elite Club¡± members visited Thailand and conducted research on real estates. The ¡°Elite Club¡± is also eager about charity work. Its volunteer team participated in the ¡°Visiting Elderly¡¯s Home¡± activity organized by Kwun Tong Christian Family Service Centre during the Mid-Autumn Festival, sending blessings and care to the elderly.
Committing to environmental governance with numerous honors and awards obtained
Under its continuous commitment to share the burden of environmental protection, the Group¡¯s achievements have been recognised by various institutions. As a result, the Group received the award of ¡°Excellent ESG Enterprise of 2022-2023¡± in the ¡°Excellent ESG Recognition Scheme¡± organized by Economic Times, which recognised the Group¡¯s efforts and excellent performance in promoting ESG and sustainable development.
Best efforts to compete in the 2023 Fair Trade Cup
Midland is enthusiastic about public welfare. During the year, we formed a football team again to participate in the 2023 Fair Trade Cup hosted by the Fair Trade Hong Kong. The competition takes ¡°Climate Justice¡± as its theme, hoping to awaken everyone¡¯s attention to extreme weather and how climate change affects life. The funds raised are used to educate and promote fair trade and other sustainable development initiatives.
Clinching the ¡°Caring Company¡± recognition for twenty consecutive years
The Group is dedicated to giving back to the community. Apart from donating and mobilising our colleagues to participate in various volunteer activities to assist underprivileged groups such as the elderly, grassroots youth, and the chronically ill, the Group also actively expresses its solicitude for staff through different activities. Therefore, it has been awarded the ¡°Caring Company¡± logo by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service for twenty consecutive years in recognition of its unremitting effort in fulfilling its social responsibilities.
Supporting ¡°Project WeCan¡± to help students plan their lives
Midland has supported the ¡°Project WeCan¡± for ten consecutive years with the aim to provide a wealth of resources and information to students in need, and was once again invited to attend the annual premier event ¡°Shape Our Future: WeCan ¨C Project WeCan Career Exploration Day¡±. We helped students to gain a better understanding of the real estate agency industry, equip themselves in advance and prepare well for their future careers. The Group also sent representatives to participate in the ¡°Young Innovators¡¯ Bazaar¡±, which helps students gain business experience and stimulate thoughts about career planning.
Working hard to raise funds and united to bring light
Midland Group actively participated in various public welfare activities to fulfill its corporate responsibilities. During the year, athletes were sent to participate in a 10-kilometer charity run and a 3.5-kilometer walk to give back to the society and help the Lifeline Express Hospital Eye-train raise funds to restore sight to impoverished cataract patients in mainland China.
Supporting the Lok Sin Tong ¡°10.1 Charity Run¡± event
Midland Group actively participated in various public welfare activities. It fully supported the ¡°10.1 Charity Run¡± co-organised by The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon. It not only made charity donations, but also sent a number of colleagues to attend the event alongside their families, completing the 1.01-kilometer journey together within the designated time to show with action our support and contribution to charity, environmental protection and plastic reduction.
Receiving the ¡°Partner Employer Award¡± for nine consecutive years
Adhering to the corporate spirit of caring and upholding the principle of ¡°Nurturing Talents¡±, Midland actively provides students with internship and employment opportunities for them to accumulate work experience, during which comprehensive training and courses were provided to help enhance the students¡¯ competitiveness in the market and prepare for their future career development in advance. Hence, Midland has received the ¡°Partner Employer Award¡± from The Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business for nine consecutive years as a commendation of its continuous commitment to nurturing talents in the industry.
Receiving the CPD Mark from the EAA with most branches being awarded in the industry
149 branches under Midland were awarded the ¡°CPD Mark for Estate Agencies¡± by the Estate Agents Authority (EAA), among which 60 branches were awarded the newly added ¡°Silver CPD Mark for Estate Agencies¡± by the EAA, winning the most awards in both categories among the whole industry. This is not only the result of Midland¡¯s encouragement of employees¡¯ professional development, but also the market¡¯s greatest recognition of Midland¡¯s professional level.
Winning the ¡°Happiness at Work¡± title for eight consecutive years
Midland has always adhered to the ¡°people-oriented¡± principle, taking care of its employees and striving to create a pleasant working environment. It has won the ¡°Happiness at Work¡± title awarded by the Promoting Happiness Index Foundation for eight consecutive years in recognition of Midland¡¯s active promotion of a harmonious and inclusive work culture.
Midland actively fulfills its social responsibilities and provides students with work experience
Midland is committed to fulfilling its social responsibilities and actively cultivating social talents. It cooperates with the Tuen Mun District Youth Development and Civic Education Committee under the Home Affairs Department to provide students with a four-day internship opportunity, with frontline real estate agents taking students to visit new properties, second-hand housing estates and Midland branches to deepen their understanding of the agency industry. They also visited different departments to experience the back-office work to prepare students for their careers.
Receiving more recognition for its efforts in environmental protection and energy conservation
The Group places great importance on environmental protection and spared no effort in promoting sustainable development. As a result, the Group always earned huge recognition from society and won multiple awards, including the Smart Energy Award 2023 issued by CLP Power, the Wastewi$e Certificate ¨C Excellent Level, and the Energywi$e Certificate ¨C Good Level issued by the Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification and the ¡°ISO 14064-1:2018¡± Greenhouse Gases Inventory Certificate issued by the International Organisation for Standardisation in recognition of its contribution to environmental protection.
Promote the physical and mental health of employees and receive the award of ¡°SportsHour Company Scheme¡±
Midland has always paid attention to the physical and mental health of its employees, and has been actively establishing a favorable working environment and atmosphere to balance work and life. Hence, it received the award of ¡°SportsHour Company¡± issued by InspiringHK Sports Foundation in recognition of Midland¡¯s contribution to the scheme.
Leading public opinions by outlining the market trend
As an authority in the industry, the Group fully utilises its strengths and closely monitors the situation of the property market under the pandemic. Through online press conferences on the property market, in-depth interviews, feature stories, instant responses and accurate analyses, the Group outlined trends of the property market and offered professional and useful information to the market, helping the public to keep abreast of the property market.
Diversified recognition activities for the ¡§Elite Club¡¨
¡§Elite Club¡¨ is the backbone of the Group¡¦s business expansion as it brings together top talents in the industry. In order to unite and motivate the members, the Group regularly organises a variety of activities, including luncheons and cross-organisational exchange sessions, to recognise outstanding staff and inspire others to keep up the efforts.
Producing quality TV programs and seminars on property market to educate the public
With the principle of ¡§understanding before investing¡¨, the Group cooperated with 2 major local TV stations to produce a number of popular property market programs, and worked with local media, tertiary institutions and charitable organisations to conduct different kinds of free seminars to analyse the trend of the property market and assist customers in home purchases, thereby actively fulfilling its corporate social responsibility.
Winning 2 awards in Estate Agents Energy Saving Award Scheme with the most number of branches receiving recognition
Devoted to environmental protection, the Group seeks to encourage staff to reduce energy consumption by taking part in the Estate Agents Energy Saving Award Scheme organised by Estate Agents Authority in addition to rolling out various energy-cutting measures. The results were remarkable ¡V a total of 272* branches of the Group were recognised as an ¡§Energy Saving Shop¡¨, making it the best performing conglomerate among all candidates. More importantly, 2 of its branches won the Gold Award and Bronze Award under the Grand Award respectively, proving further the effectiveness of the Group¡¦s energy saving measures.
Clinching the ¡§Caring Company¡¨ recognition for 18 consecutive years by actively fulfilling social responsibilities
The Group is dedicated to giving back to the community. Apart from mobilising its staff to take part in various volunteer activities in assistance of underprivileged groups such as elderly, grassroots youth and the chronically ill, the Group also actively expresses its solicitude for staff through different activities. Therefore, it has been awarded the ¡§Caring Company¡¨ logo by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service for 18 consecutive years in recognition of its unremitting effort in fulfilling its social responsibilities.
Receiving wide recognition for talent development
The Group attaches great importance to the development of talents and has set up a comprehensive and diversified training structure for its staff at all levels to systematically develop a team of excellent and professional staff. The Group¡¦s training policy has been recognised by numerous parties. In addition to being crowned as a ¡§Manpower Developer¡¨ and ¡§Super MD¡¨ by the Employees Retraining Board, the Group has also won the ¡§Asia Pacific Outstanding Employer Award¡¨ and ¡§Employer of Choice Award¡¨ by JobMarket for the 6th and 8th consecutive years respectively. What¡¦s more, it has received the ¡§Caring Employer: COVID 19 Caring Employers Award¡¨ and ¡§Employer Brand Management Award¡¨ for the first time, highlighting the Group¡¦s exceptional achievements in talent training and development.
Caring for staff through ¡§Midland, We Care¡¨ activities
The Group understands that people are the cornerstone of an enterprise. Thus, it spares no effort to create a relaxed and pleasant working environment and care for its staff by launching a series of ¡§Midland, We Care¡¨ activities, including launching a staff exclusive Facebook page with health tips to engage employees, regular distribution of fruits and festive food, Christmas tea parties, and sourcing health and anti-epidemic products and offers. This has won for the Group the ¡§Happy Company¡¨ title under the ¡§Happiness at Work Promotional Scheme¡¨ jointly launched by Promoting Happiness Index Foundation and the Hong Kong Productivity Council for 6 years in a row
Receiving ¡§Partner Employer Award¡¨ for the 7th year
Upholding the principle of ¡§Nurturing Talents¡¨, the Group is committed to providing internship and job opportunities to local students and graduates so that they could gain more working experience and be better prepared for their future career. Hence, it has received the ¡§Partner Employer Award¡¨ from The Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business for the 7th consecutive year as the recognition of its contribution in nurturing the next generation and giving back to the society
Donated 5,000 sets of rapid antigen test kits to fight the pandemic alongside the underprivileged
Over the years, the Group has been working with Hongkongers to give back to the community. In view of the pandemic which badly hit local entities and led to the shortage of anti-epidemic and medical supplies, the Group donated 5,000 sets of rapid antigen test kits to The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon through Midland Charitable Foundation for their distribution so that the test kits could serve as a safety net for the needy. In addition to donating the test kits to the underprivileged, the Group also provided them to its frontline and back office staff to promote the spirit of ¡§Midland, We Care¡¨ across the Group.
Supporting ¡§Project WeCan¡¨ for 8 consecutive years
Even in the midst of the pandemic, the Group never ceased to contribute to nurturing the youth as they are the future of the society. Having supported ¡§Project WeCan¡¨ for 8 consecutive years, the Group continued to offer comprehensive assistance to its partner school, HKSKH Bishop Hall Secondary School, by sending human resources experts to participate in the online and offline ¡§Shape Our Future: WeCan ¡V Project WeCan Career Exploration Day¡¨ workshop to help local students gain a better understanding of the real estate agency industry, enhance their interview skills and plan their careers early, which is another way for us to give back to the community
Conducting mooncake redistribution to encourage staff to care for the community
The Group always attaches great importance to environmental protection and care for the society. Therefore, it has signed the ¡§Food Wise Charter¡¨ with the environmental protection organisation ¡§Food Grace¡¨ during the Mid-Autumn Festival and set up collection boxes in each office to encourage staff to donate excess, unopened mooncakes which were then given to lowincome families on the eve of Mid-Autumn Festival. Through reallocating excess food resources, the Group hoped to share the joy and celebrate the festive occasion with the needy while reducing food waste and promoting green festival culture.
Being recognised for efforts in environmental protection
By virtue of its commitment to promoting sustainable development, the Group received numerous recognition from various institutions, including the ¡§Wastewi$e Certificate ¡V Excellence Level¡¨ and ¡§Energywi$e Certificate ¡V Good Level¡¨ from the ¡§Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification¡¨, ¡§Joint Energy Saving Award¡¨ of the ¡§CLP Smart Energy Award 2021¡¨ as well as the ¡§ISO 14064-1:2006¡¨ Greenhouse Gases Inventory Certificate by the International Organization for Standardization, for its contribution to environmental protection.
Being named the ¡§Caring Enterprise¡¨ by The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon for 6 consecutive years
Devoted to various charitable causes, the Group has been actively expressing solicitude to the elderly by supporting The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon and its charity activities. For instance, it sponsored the ¡§Lok Sin Tong Virtual Charity Walk 2021¡¨ and ¡§LST Buddy Chinese New Year Community Visit Activity¡¨ to raise funds for the organisation¡¦s various projects, and was thus awarded the ¡§Caring Enterprise¡¨ title again for its sincere care in times of adversity
Supporting ¡§Hike for Hospice¡¨ for the 16th consecutive time
The Group has been supporting the activities of the Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care in an effort to raise funds for hospice care and life education. For the 16th consecutive time, the Group has sponsored frontline elites to participate in the charity hike named ¡§Hike for Hospice¡¨. With concerted efforts, all the participating athletes eventually completed a total distance of over 200 kilometers, promoting sports culture while doing good deeds.
Participating in several charity runs to promote sports while raising funds
Under the pandemic, staying healthy has become a ¡§top priority¡¨ in life. In this regard, to encourage staff to exercise regularly, Midland Charitable Foundation sponsored a number of staff to participate in charity runs such as ¡§Lifeline Express Charity Run 2021¡¨ and ¡§HOPE Worldwide Santa Run 2021¡¨ to help them keep challenging themselves and stay ¡§Physically Fit¡¨. At the same time, the Group also sent a support team to welcome participating staff at the finish line and provided them with light refreshments to share the joy together.
Sponsoring underprivileged students to participate in handicraft workshops to enrich their learning experience
Given the fact that some underprivileged students are unable to participate in extracurricular activities due to financial constraints, the Group decided to sponsor them to join different activities and broaden their horizons with the help of St. James¡¦ Settlement. This year, with the theme of environmental protection, the Group held an online ¡§Waste Paper Carton Upcycling Workshop¡¨ and ¡§Eco-friendly Glass Bonsai Workshop¡¨ and sent out volunteers as teaching assistants, hoping to give back to the community via both monetary and non-monetary means.
Winning 2 awards in Estate Agents Energy Saving Award Scheme with the most number of branches receiving recognition
Devoted to environmental protection, the Group seeks to encourage staff to reduce energy consumption by taking part in the Estate Agents Energy Saving Award Scheme organised by Estate Agents Authority in addition to rolling out various energy-cutting measures. The results were remarkable - a total of 272* branches of the Group were recognised as an "Energy Saving Shop", making it the best performing conglomerate among all candidates. More importantly, 2 of its branches won the Gold Award and Bronze Award under the Grand Award respectively, proving further the effectiveness of the Group's energy saving measures.

* Including related companies
Donated 5,000 sets of rapid antigen test kits to fight the pandemic alongside the underprivileged
Over the years, the Group has been working with Hongkongers to give back to the community. In view of the pandemic which badly hit local entities and led to the shortage of anti-epidemic and medical supplies, the Group donated 5,000 sets of rapid antigen test kits to The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon through Midland Charitable Foundation for their distribution so that the test kits could serve as a safety net for the needy. In addition to donating the test kits to the underprivileged, the Group also provided them to its frontline and back office staff to promote the spirit of "Midland, We Care" across the Group.
Leading public opinions by outlining the market trend
As an authority in the industry, the Group fully utilises its strengths and closely monitors the situation of the property market under the pandemic. Through online press conferences on the property market, in-depth interviews, feature stories, instant responses and accurate analyses, the Group outlined trends of the property market and offered professional and useful information to the market, helping the public to keep abreast of the property market.
Diversified recognition activities for the "Elite Club"
"Elite Club" is the backbone of the Group's business expansion as it brings together top talents in the industry. In order to unite and motivate the members, the Group regularly organises a variety of activities, including luncheons and cross-organisational exchange sessions, to recognise outstanding staff and inspire others to keep up the efforts.
Producing quality TV programs and seminars on property market to educate the public
With the principle of "understanding before investing", the Group cooperated with 2 major local TV stations to produce a number of popular property market programs, and worked with local media, tertiary institutions and charitable organisations to conduct different kinds of free seminars to analyse the trend of the property market and assist customers in home purchases, thereby actively fulfilling its corporate social responsibility.
Clinching the "Caring Company" recognition for 18 consecutive years by actively fulfilling social responsibilities
The Group is dedicated to giving back to the community. Apart from mobilising its staff to take part in various volunteer activities in assistance of underprivileged groups such as elderly, grassroots youth and the chronically ill, the Group also actively expresses its solicitude for staff through different activities. Therefore, it has been awarded the "Caring Company" logo by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service for 18 consecutive years in recognition of its unremitting effort in fulfilling its social responsibilities.
Receiving wide recognition for talent development
The Group attaches great importance to the development of talents and has set up a comprehensive and diversified training structure for its staff at all levels to systematically develop a team of excellent and professional staff. The Group's training policy has been recognised by numerous parties. In addition to being crowned as a "Manpower Developer" and "Super MD" by the Employees Retraining Board, the Group has also won the "Asia Pacific Outstanding Employer Award" and "Employer of Choice Award" by JobMarket for the 6th and 8th consecutive years respectively. What's more, it has received the "Caring Employer: COVID 19 Caring Employers Award" and "Employer Brand Management Award" for the first time, highlighting the Group's exceptional achievements in talent training and development.
Caring for staff through "Midland, We Care" activities
The Group understands that people are the cornerstone of an enterprise. Thus, it spares no effort to create a relaxed and pleasant working environment and care for its staff by launching a series of "Midland, We Care" activities, including launching a staff exclusive Facebook page with health tips to engage employees, regular distribution of fruits and festive food, Christmas tea parties, and sourcing health and anti-epidemic products and offers. This has won for the Group the "Happy Company" title under the "Happiness at Work Promotional Scheme" jointly launched by Promoting Happiness Index Foundation and the Hong Kong Productivity Council for 6 years in a row.
Receiving "Partner Employer Award" for the 7th year
Upholding the principle of "Nurturing Talents", the Group is committed to providing internship and job opportunities to local students and graduates so that they could gain more working experience and be better prepared for their future career. Hence, it has received the "Partner Employer Award" from The Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business for the 7th consecutive year as the recognition of its contribution in nurturing the next generation and giving back to the society.
Supporting "Project WeCan" for 8 consecutive years
Even in the midst of the pandemic, the Group never ceased to contribute to nurturing the youth as they are the future of the society. Having supported "Project WeCan" for 8 consecutive years, the Group continued to offer comprehensive assistance to its partner school, HKSKH Bishop Hall Secondary School, by sending human resources experts to participate in the online and offline "Shape Our Future: WeCan - Project WeCan Career Exploration Day" workshop to help local students gain a better understanding of the real estate agency industry, enhance their interview skills and plan their careers early, which is another way for us to give back to the community.
Conducting mooncake redistribution to encourage staff to care for the community
The Group always attaches great importance to environmental protection and care for the society. Therefore, it has signed the "Food Wise Charter" with the environmental protection organisation "Food Grace" during the Mid-Autumn Festival and set up collection boxes in each office to encourage staff to donate excess, unopened mooncakes which were then given to low- income families on the eve of Mid-Autumn Festival. Through reallocating excess food resources, the Group hoped to share the joy and celebrate the festive occasion with the needy while reducing food waste and promoting green festival culture.
Being recognised for efforts in environmental protection
By virtue of its commitment to promoting sustainable development, the Group received numerous recognition from various institutions, including the "Wastewi$e Certificate - Excellence Level" and "Energywi$e Certificate - Good Level" from the "Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification", "Joint Energy Saving Award" of the "CLP Smart Energy Award 2021" as well as the "ISO 14064-1:2006" Greenhouse Gases Inventory Certificate by the International Organization for Standardization, for its contribution to environmental protection.
Being named the "Caring Enterprise" by The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon for 7 consecutive years
Devoted to various charitable causes, the Group has been actively expressing solicitude to the elderly by supporting The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon and its charity activities. For instance, it sponsored the "Lok Sin Tong Virtual Charity Walk 2021" and "LST Buddy Chinese New Year Community Visit Activity" to raise funds for the organisation's various projects, and was thus awarded the "Caring Enterprise" title again for its sincere care in times of adversity.
Supporting "Hike for Hospice" for the 16th consecutive time
The Group has been supporting the activities of the Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care in an effort to raise funds for hospice care and life education. For the 16th consecutive time, the Group has sponsored frontline elites to participate in the charity hike named "Hike for Hospice". With concerted efforts, all the participating athletes eventually completed a total distance of over 200 kilometers, promoting sports culture while doing good deeds.
Participating in several charity runs to promote sports while raising funds
Under the pandemic, staying healthy has become a "top priority" in life. In this regard, to encourage staff to exercise regularly, Midland Charitable Foundation sponsored a number of staff to participate in charity runs such as "Lifeline Express Charity Run 2021" and "HOPE Worldwide Santa Run 2021" to help them keep challenging themselves and stay "Physically Fit". At the same time, the Group also sent a support team to welcome participating staff at the finish line and provided them with light refreshments to share the joy together.
Sponsoring underprivileged students to participate in handicraft workshops to enrich their learning experience
Given the fact that some underprivileged students are unable to participate in extracurricular activities due to financial constraints, the Group decided to sponsor them to join different activities and broaden their horizons with the help of St. James' Settlement. This year, with the theme of environmental protection, the Group held an online "Waste Paper Carton Upcycling Workshop" and "Eco-friendly Glass Bonsai Workshop" and sent out volunteers as teaching assistants, hoping to give back to the community via both monetary and non-monetary means.
Establishing an "Anti-epidemic Taskforce" to care for the health of staff
Prioritising the health of its colleagues, the Group managed to swiftly set up an "Anti-epidemic Taskforce" and formulate a flexible emergency system and preventive measures at the beginning of the outbreak. In addition to allowing colleagues to work from home on a shift basis to reduce the risk of infection, the Group also implemented a series of anti-epidemic measures, including purchasing masks and hand sanitiser for staff, suspending large-scale face-to-face meetings and enhancing the cleaning of our branches and offices to ensure normal business operation while safeguarding the health of staff.
Showing authority in the industry through market insights
As an authority in the industry, the Group fully utilises its strengths and closely monitors the situation of the property market under the pandemic. Through online press conferences on the property market, in-depth interviews, feature stories, instant responses and accurate analyses, the Group has showcased its corporate credibility by sharing unique insights, outlining trends of the property market, and offering professional and useful information to the market.
Conducting quality seminars on property and wealth management education
In response to the public demand for property market and wealth management information, the Group cooperated with local financial institutions to organise a number of free online and offline seminars, which provided analyses on the property market and the latest information on immigration and overseas investments, thereby actively fulfilling its corporate social responsibility of equipping the public with wealth management knowledge.
Winning four awards in the Estate Agents Community Service Proposal Competition
Adhering to the spirit of "Caring", the Group sought to give back to the society by sending frontline elites to participate in the Estate Agents Community Service Proposal Competition organised by the Estate Agents Authority in 2020 and improve the community where they are working in. Eventually, both teams which had made it to the final managed to win four awards in total. Among all, the team which rode on the global trend of "plogging" clinched three awards, namely the Champion of the "Environmental Protection Section", "Best Community Feature" and "Best Idea". With the awards outnumbering the rest of the teams, that team fully demonstrated the Group's contribution to the community, which in return earned huge recognition from the society.
Being honoured as a "Caring Company" for 17 consecutive years
Under the corporate value of "Caring", not only is the Group dedicated to giving back to the community by mobilising its staff to take part in various volunteer activities, but it is also committed to expressing its solicitude for staff through rolling out different benefits and activities related to healthy living. In this regard, it has been awarded the Caring Company Logo by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service for 17 consecutive years in recognition of its unremitting effort in fulfilling its social responsibilities.
Receiving wide recognition for talent nurturing
Adopting a "people-oriented" approach, the Group has established the "Midland University" to cultivate talents. In order to drive the industry forward, the Group launched an online mobile platform enabling its staff to learn anytime and anywhere. This allowed the Group to earn the "Super MD" title after receiving the "Manpower Developer 1st" title from Employees Retraining Board for 10 consecutive years as well as JobMarket's "Employer of Choice Award", "Asia Pacific Outstanding Employer Award" and "Work-life Balance Award" for the 7th, 5th and 1st year. All of these awards served as a strong proof of the Group's outstanding achievements in talent training and development.
Receiving "Partner Employer Award" for the 6th year
Upholding the principle of "Nurturing Talents", the Group is committed to providing internships and job opportunities to local students and graduates so that they could gain more working experience and be better prepared for their future career. Hence, it has received the "Partner Employer Award" from The Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business for the 6th consecutive year as the recognition of its contribution in nurturing the next generation and giving back to the society.
Being recognised as a "Happy Company" for the 5th consecutive year
As a people-oriented enterprise upholding the "Caring" spirit, the Group is committed to building a pleasant workplace by holding various activities promoting work-life-balance. In appreciation of its effort, the Group has received the "Happy Company" title and the "Happiness at Work" logo under the "Happiness at Work Promotional Scheme" jointly launched by Promoting Happiness Index Foundation and the Hong Kong Productivity Council for the 5th consecutive year.
Supporting "Project WeCan" for 7 consecutive years
Having supported "Project WeCan" for 7 consecutive years, the Group continued to offer comprehensive assistance to its partner school, HKSKH Bishop Hall Secondary School, by sending human resources experts to share with local students useful interview tips in a series of online workshops named "Shape Our Future: WeCan - Project WeCan Career Exploration Day" so that the students could be better prepared for future employment and give back to the society.
Hosting career seminars to help the youth plan ahead for their career
As a leading corporation in the industry, the Group has been actively nurturing future leaders of the society by organising various online and offline career-related activities, including seminars, mock interviews and sharing sessions, to help local students gain an in-depth understanding of the real estate agency industry, plan ahead for their career, hone their job interview skills and cultivate the right working attitude.
Being recognised for efforts in environmental protection
By virtue of its commitment to promoting sustainable development, the Group received numerous recognition from various institutions, including the "Wastewi$e Certificate - Excellence Level" and "Energywi$e Certificate - Basic Level" of the "Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification", "Joint Energy Saving Award" of the "CLP Smart Energy Award 2020" as well as the "ISO 14064-1:2006" Greenhouse Gases Inventory Certificate by the International Organization for Standardization, for its contribution to environmental protection.
Being named the "Caring Enterprise" for 6 consecutive years
As a passionate contributor to various philanthropic initiatives, the Group has been actively caring for the elderly through cooperating with The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon. This year was no exception. By providing ardent support to the "LST Mid-Autumn Festival: Distribution of Lucky Bags" activity which sent goodie bags with protective gears and daily necessities to senior citizens in need, the Group has expressed genuine solicitude for the elderly, and therefore received the "Caring Enterprise" certificate as an appreciation again.
Market insights showed authority in the industry
As an authority in the industry, the Group fully utilises its strengths and closely monitors the situation of the property market. Through press conferences, in-depth interviews, feature stories, instant responses and accurate analyses, the Group has showcased its credibility by sharing unique insights, outlining trends of the property market, and offering professional and useful information to the market.
Conducting quality seminars on property education
In response to the housing demand in the market, the Group cooperated with local banks, chambers of commerce and schools to organise an array of property seminars with analyses on market trends and provide them with the latest property market and investment information, thereby fulfilling its responsibility of enhancing public financial and property literacy.
Rewarding Midland Club members for their support with various activities
To reward members for their support, apart from upgrading membership benefits, Midland Club has also held a series of diverse activities, including "Midland Club x Maserati Prestige Driving Experience Day", "Whiskey x Contemporary Ink Art Appreciation" and others, to enrich our members' lives as well as assist them in building a prosperous future.
Winning JobMarket's "Asia Pacific Outstanding Employer Award" & "Employer of Choice Award" for 4 & 6 consecutive years respectively
Adhering to the spirit of "Caring", the Group sought to give back to the society by sending frontline elites to participate in the Estate Agents Community Service Proposal Competition organised by the Estate Agents Authority in 2020 and improve the community where they are working in. Eventually, both teams which had made it to the final managed to win four awards in total. Among all, the team which rode on the global trend of "plogging" clinched three awards, namely the Champion of the "Environmental Protection Section", "Best Community Feature" and "Best Idea". With the awards outnumbering the rest of the teams, that team fully demonstrated the Group's contribution to the community, which in return earned huge recognition from the society.
Arranging Practical Management Training Course and its corresponding graduation ceremony for frontline managerial staff
As a people-oriented corporation, the Group appointed the Institute for Entrepreneurship of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University to conduct a "Practical Management Training Course" for its frontline supervisors, with a view to enhancing their operation and planning related knowledge through tailor-made training workshops. Upon the completion of the course, all frontline managerial staff attended the graduation ceremony and received a certificate of appreciation.
Being honoured with "Manpower Developer 1st" title for 10 consecutive years
The Group has been excelling in talent training and development with the establishment of "Midland University". In recognition of its contribution to talent cultivation and professionalism promotion, the Group has been honoured with the "Manpower Developer 1st" title for 10 consecutive years under the "ERB Manpower Developer Award Scheme".
Receiving "Partner Employer Award"
The Group is committed to helping the youth gain more working experience by proactively recruiting local student interns and graduates. With substantial contribution to education and the society, it has been awarded the "Partner Employer Award" granted by The Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business for the 5th consecutive year
Organising various recruitment events to provide diverse development opportunities
The Group believes that talents are invaluable assets to a corporation, and thus, it maintains close collaboration with different institutions in organising an array of job fairs, hoping to acquire talents from various disciplines and provide them with diverse opportunities to shine in their careers. In the future, the Group will continue recruiting elites and help them unleash their potentials while bringing its businesses forward.
"Elite Club" activities
Comprising top elites in the industry, "Elite Club" has organised diverse activities to boost the morale for its members, including a Vietnam trip which allowed its frontline elites to have a glance of the emerging property markets in Asia and a traditional Chaozhou tour rewarding staff and encouraging them to keep up the effort.
Environmental protection and energy conservation awards
By virtue of the Group's commitment to environmental protection and energy conservation, not only did it receive the Wastewi$e Certificate - Excellence Level and Energywi$e Certificate - Basic Level in the "Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification" scheme held by the Environmental Campaign Committee, but it also clinched the "Joint Energy Saving Award" of the CLP Smart Energy Award 2019 and the Platinum Award of "Charter on External Lighting" by the Environment Bureau for its contribution to sustainable development.
Being awarded the "ISO 14064 - 1:2006" Greenhouse Gases Inventory Certificate
The Group was awarded the "ISO 14064-1:2006" Greenhouse Gases Inventory Certificate by the International Organization for Standardization for its effort in environmental protection through promoting carbon reduction and implementing initiatives to reduce greenhouse gases emission in the workplace.
Being honoured as "Caring Company" for 16 consecutive years
Devoting itself to charitable causes, the Group has been awarded the Caring Company Logo by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service for 16 consecutive years in recognition of its unremitting effort in fulfilling its social responsibilities and promoting the caring spirit.
"Midland, We Care" activities
Adhering to the core value of "Caring", the Group caters for every need of its employees by launching a series of "Midland, We Care" activities, including a Christmas tea party, which allowed our employees to celebrate the festival together, as well as sourcing various health products and green food for them.
Being granted "Happy Company" for the 4th consecutive year
As a people-oriented enterprise upholding the spirit of "Caring", the Group is committed to building a pleasant workplace via joint effort with our employees. In appreciation of its effort in creating a joyful working atmosphere, the Group has been recognised as a "Happy Company" and granted the "Happiness at Work" logo under the "Happiness at Work Promotional Scheme" jointly launched by Promoting Happiness Index Foundation and the Hong Kong Productivity Council for the 4th consecutive year.
Supporting "Project WeCan" for 6 years in a row
It has been 6 years since the Group first started joining "Project WeCan" and offering continuous support to its partner school, HKSKH Bishop Hall Secondary School. Apart from providing relevant training to students taking part in the "Young Innovators Bazaar", the Group also sent representatives to attend their graduation ceremony and help prepare them for their future endeavours through experience sharing.
Participating in the "Life Buddies" Mentoring Scheme for the 2nd time
Upholding the principle of "nurturing talents with a people-oriented approach" in its cultivation of the next generation, the Group was once again invited to participate in the "Life Buddies" Mentoring Scheme organised by the Commission on Poverty, through which it broadened students' horizons and helped them plan for their future. With a two-day workplace attachment opportunity, the students were able to step out of the campus and have a taste of how it was like to work in a corporation.
Supporting SPHC's "Hike for Hospice" for 15 consecutive years
For 15 years in a row, the Group has supported "Hike for Hospice" held by the Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care. Combining charity with sports, members of the participating team strived for their very best in the short-distance race to give back to the society and help people in need of hospice services.
Promoting fairness by participating in the "Fair Trade Cup"
The Group has been an ardent supporter to various charitable activities. This year, it has once again sent an elite team to take part in the "Fair Trade Cup 2019", a charity football tournament organised by Fair Trade Hong Kong so as to promote fair trade and gender equality. After several rounds of fierce competition, the Group won the 1st runner-up of the "Empowerment Bowl".
Donating 5,000 masks to the singleton elderly
Deeply rooted in Hong Kong for many years, the Group is committed to giving back to the society. In view of the impact of new pneumonia in Hong Kong and the shortage of personal protective equipment, "Midland Charitable Foundation" donated 5,000 masks to the "Pentecostal Church of Hong Kong". To further express our solicitude, the Group recruited a team of volunteers to distribute masks into the mailboxes of singleton elders in Diamond Hill, Ngau Tau Kok and Choi Hung.
Supporting the coastal cleanup activity co-organised by Estate Agents Authority and Environmental Protection Department
The Group has been actively fulfilling its corporate social responsibility and is committed to protecting the environment. It therefore provided ardent support to "My Home Hong Kong - Estate Agents Coastal Cleanup Day" co-organised by Estate Agents Authority and Environmental Protection Department. The Group's staff put forth their best effort to clean the coastal area of Shui Hau at Lantau Island, hoping to build a clean environment together.
Being named the "Caring Enterprise" by The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon for 5 consecutive year
Over the years, the Group has been strongly supporting the charity work initiated by The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon. Through sending a volunteer team to partake in the Lok Sin Tong Flag Day 2019 and the Mid-Autumn Festival Volunteer Event, the Group not only raised fund for Lok Sin Tong, but also expressed its love and care to the elderly in need. This allowed it to once again receive the "Caring Enterprise" certificate as appreciation
Viewpoints on market showed authority in the industry
As an authority in the industry, the Group fully utilises its strengths and closely monitors the pulse of the property market. Through press conferences, in-depth interviews, feature stories, instant responses and analytical articles, the group has showcased its credibility by sharing unique insight, outlining trend of the property market, and offering professional and helpful information to the market.
Rewarding members for their support on the 5th Anniversary of Midland Club
This year marks the 5th anniversary of Midland Club. To reward members for their support, apart from upgrading membership benefits, we have also held a series of activities, including "Summer Family Day", "Cup Noodles Workshop" and "Pizza Express Family Pizza Party", for building a happy life for our members and families.
Quality seminars on property education
The Group continued to promote the concept of "Understand First Then Invest" and organized property seminars and group tours focusing on housing demands in the market. Combining tours, on-site inspection and property education, the activities aimed to provide customers with the latest information on real estate and to fulfil our responsibility on educating people on property investment and home ownership.
Winning the first "Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance Award 2018"
The Group has held nothing back in protecting the environment, and was thus awarded the "Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance Award 2018", a title given by the Economic Digest for the first time in Hong Kong. It is an acknowledgement of the Group's great contribution to the protection and sustainable development of the society and environment.
Awarded the "ISO 14064-1: 2006" Greenhouse Gases Inventory Certificate
The Group was awarded the "ISO 14064-1: 2006" Greenhouse Gases Inventory Certificate by the International Organization for Standardization as a recognition of its efforts on promoting carbon reduction by introducing initiatives to reduce greenhouse gases emission in the workplace.
Recognition of environmental protection and energy conservation
The Group is committed to environmental protection and energy conservation, and received the Wastewi$e Certificate - Excellence Level in "Hong Kong Green Organization Certification" held by the Environmental Campaign Committee, "Joint Energy Saving Award" in CLP Smart Energy Award 2018 and the Platinum Award in "Charter on External Lighting" by the Environment Bureau, underlining the Group's contribution to the sustainable development of the planet.
"Elite Club" morale boosting activities
Comprising elites in the industry, "Elite Club" has organised activities to boost morale, including visiting different cities in the Greater Bay Area by high-speed rail to examine large-scale domestic new sale projects; also, they proactively contributed to the society by raising funds for "Hong Kong Rehabilitation Power" to help the disabled so as to adhere to the corporate principle of "Love & Care".
Honoured with the accolade of "Family - Friendly Employers"
As a "people-oriented" enterprise, the Group has been actively promoting work-life balance, and was once again awarded the accolade of "Family-Friendly Employers" by the Home Affairs Bureau and the Family Council in recognition of its effort on promoting caring culture for the family
Granted "Happy Company" once again
As a people-oriented enterprise, the Group has built a pleasant workplace via joint efforts of our employees. We were recognised by Promoting Happiness Index Foundation and the Hong Kong Productivity Council as "Happy Company" in appreciation of the Group's initiatives in creating a joyful working atmosphere.
Supporting "Project WeCan" for 5 consecutive years
It has been 5 years since the Group started to support "Project WeCan". The Group has been offering continuous all-round support to the partner school, HKSKH Bishop Hall Secondary School, which included offering funding support to the school for the establishment of the Diversified Learning Gallery and supporting students to take part in the "Young Innovators Bazaar" and "Career Exploration Day". Career seminar was also organised to prepare students for their future endeavours.
A team of a-hundred-strong participated in the Walk for Millions organised by the Community Chest
The Group has taken the initiative to give back to the society by showing its support to "The Community Chest 50th Anniversary Walk for Millions", an annual charity walk event organised by the Community Chest of Hong Kong, as being a sponsor as well as a participant. A team of a-hundred-strong participated in this fundraising event by taking a journey along the Central-Wan Chai Bypass on foot as an act to show care and warmth to those in need in our community.
Honoured as "Caring Company" for 15 consecutive years
Devoting itself to charitable causes, the Group has been awarded the Caring Company Logo by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service for 15 consecutive years in recognition of its unremitting effort in fulfilling its social responsibilities and promoting corporate caring.
Participated in the "Life Buddies" Mentoring Scheme
Upholding the principle of "nurturing talents with a people oriented approach" in its cultivation of future pillars of our society, the Group was invited to participate in the "Life Buddies" Mentoring Scheme organised by the Commission on Poverty, where we offered a two-day workplace attachment opportunity for students to step out of the campus and work as our employees, with an aim of enabling them to broaden their visions and plan for their futures.
Supporting SPHC's "Hike for Hospice" for 14 consecutive years
For the 14th year in a row, the Group has supported "Hike for Hospice" held by the Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care. Combining charity with sports, members of the participating team strived for their very best in the short route event, in order to give back to society and help recipients of hospice services.
Unremitted support for Chinachem Eco-Walk
The Group fulfilled its corporate social responsibility with its unremitted support for "Chinachem Eco-Walk", a charity walk event organised by Chinachem. While the Group made donations to become a "silver sponsor", its staff members formed teams to take part in the event to promote carbon reduction awareness and contribute to environmental protection.
Named "Caring Enterprise" by The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon for 4 consecutive years
The Group has been strongly supporting the charity work organised by The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society Kowloon. The Group's volunteer team participated in the "LST Charity Candy Campaign" and the "MidAutumn Festival Volunteer Service", showing love and care to the elderly in need, and was once again presented a "Caring Enterprise" certificate as appreciation.
Participating in the "SHKP Vertical Run for Charity" for 7 consecutive years
For 7 consecutive years, the Group has sponsored the "SHKP Vertical Run for Charity - Race to Hong Kong ICC" organised by Sun Hung Kai Properties, where we met the challenge of taking 2,000 steps to the sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck on the 100th floor, to show our support to services targeting local children and young people.
Active participation in various activities held by St. James' Settlement
The Group has been a loyal supporter of St. James' Settlement's charity events by offering full support to the "Grant-in-aid Brightens Children's Lives" Project for 6 consecutive years. Led by the Group's volunteer team, a group of primary school students participated in the "Workshop on organic food and traditional arts and crafts", where they learnt about organic food and traditional cultures in the community, preparing themselves to become future pillars of society.
Sponsoring "Lifeline Express Charity Run/Walk" for 8 consecutive years
The Group has sponsored the "Charity Run/Walk" organised by Lifeline Express for 8 consecutive years. The charity event received enthusiastic responses from staff, and raised funds for the Lifeline Express, a hospital train aiming to restore the vision of cataract patients in remote areas in mainland China.
Viewpoints on market showed authority in the industry
As an authority in the industry, the Group fully utilises its strengths and closely monitors the pulse of the property market. Through press conferences on the property market, in-depth interviews, feature stories, instant responses, analytical articles and more, it showed its corporate credibility by sharing unique property insight, outlining trend of the property market, and offering professional and helpful information to the market.
Quality seminars on property education
The Group organised property seminars and group tours focusing on key regions with new developments. Combining property tours, on-site inspection and property education, the activities aimed to provide customers with the latest information on real estate and to perform our responsibility to educate people on property investment and home ownership.
Facilitating industry exchange and development between mainland China and Hong Kong
The Group in concerned about industry development and has spared no effort in advocating exchange between industry players. Taking the opportunity of the visit of Nanning Association of Real Estate Agents to Hong Kong, the Group had indepth exchange with them on topics such as property sales procedure, operating strategies and business model of property agency, facilitating communication and value-added development of the industry between mainland China and Hong Kong.
Organising seminar on overseas properties for five consecutive years
Riding on the boom of buying and investing overseas properties, Midland Global has actively acted as the sales agent of overseas property projects in the UK , Canada and Australia etc. Midland Global and mReferral Mortgage Brokerage Services jointly organized the "Properties of Hong Kong vs. Singapore" seminar so as to achieve synergy and explore overseas businesses.
Honoured as "Caring Company" for 14 consecutive years
The Group has devoted itself to charitable causes. For the 14th year in a row, it was awarded the Caring Company Logo by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service in recognition of its unremitting effort in fulfilling its social responsibilities and promoting corporate caring.
Sponsoring "Lifeline Express Charity Run/Walk" for 7 consecutive years
The Group sponsored the "Charity Run/Walk" organised by Lifeline Express for 7 consecutive years. The charity event received enthusiastic responses from staff, and raised funds for the Lifeline Express, a hospital train aiming to give the gift of sight to cataract patients in remote areas in mainland China.
Unremitted support for Chinachem Eco-Walk 2.0
The Group fulfilled its corporate social responsibility with its unremitted support for "Chinachem Eco-Walk 2.0", a charity walk event organized by Chinachem. While the Group made donations to become a "silver sponsor", its staff members formed teams to take part in the event to promote carbon reduction awareness and contribute to environmental protection.
Granted the "Happy Company" for 2 consecutive years
As a people-oriented enterprise, the Group has built a pleasant workplace through combined efforts of our employees. We were recognized by Promoting Happiness Index Foundation and the Hong Kong Productivity Council as "Happy Company" for the 2nd consecutive year in appreciation of the Group's active endeavors i n creating a delightful working environment.
Granted the title of "Work-Life Balance Week Practicing Organisation" for the 2nd time
It has been the Group's aim to provide an excellent career development platform with work-life balance. As a result, it was granted as one of the practising organisations of the "Work-Life Balance Week" organised by Community Business again.
Recognition for environmental protection and conservation
The Group i s committed to the cause of environmental protection and energy conservation and received the Wastewi$e Certificate- Excellence Level) in "Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification" held by the Environmental Campaign Committee, "Joint Energy Saving Award" in CLP GREENPLUS Award 2017 and the Platinum Award in "Charter on External Lighting" by the Environment Bureau, underlining the contribution of the Group to protect our environment.
Supporting "Project WeCan" for 4 consecutive years
The Group supported the "Project WeCan" for 4 consecutive years, offering all-round support to the partner school, HKSKH Bishop Hall Secondary School. This included supporting students to take part in the "Young Innovators Bazaar" and "Career Exploration Day". Career seminar was also organised to allow students plan early for their future career.
Participating in the "SHKP Vertical Run for Charity" for 6 consecutive years
For 6 consecutive years, the Group took part in the "SHKP Vertical Run for Charity - Race to Hong Kong ICC" organised by Sun Hung Kai Properties through sponsoring and joining the run to meet the challenge of taking 2,000 steps to the 100-storey height sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck, showing our support to services targeting local children and young people.
Active participation in various activities held by the St. James' Settlement
The Group has been a loyal supporter of St. James' Settlement's charity events. In addition to donating stationery gift packs, the Group organised the "Upcycling Workshop" with an aim to encourage students to make good use of resources and nurture the value of caring for the Earth.
Supporting SPHC's "Hike for Hospice" for 13 consecutive years
For the 13th year in a row, the Group supported "Hike for Hospice" held by the Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care. Combining charity with sports, members of the participating team strived their very best in the short route event, in order to give back to society and help recipients of hospice services.
Named "Caring Corporate" by The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon for 3 consecutive years
The Group has been supporting the charity work organised by The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society Kowloon. The Group's volunteer team participated in the "Mid-Autumn Festival Volunteer Service", showing love and care to the elderly in need. The Group also supported "LST Charity Candy Campaign" and was once again presented a "Caring Corporate" certificate as appreciation.
Facilitating exchange activities and development of the industry between China and Hong Kong
The Group was concerned about the development of the industry and has spared no effort in advocating exchanges with industry participants. Through exchange activities such as visits by Guangzhou Association of Real Estate Agents and local industry elites, the Group had in-depth discussion on topics like property sales procedure, property features and business model of property agency in China and Hong Kong, facilitating value-added development of the industry.
Named "Happy Company" by Hong Kong Productivity Council
The Group extends great care as to how the employees perceive their experiences in work and also their holistic development. We have been working hard on establishing a good and commendable corporate culture and working environment. In recognition of our effort in creating a peaceful and amicable workplace atmosphere for our staff, Midland Realty was awarded the 'Happy Company' title in the 'Happiness-at-Work Promotional Scheme' jointly organised by the Promoting Happiness Index Foundation and the Hong Kong Productivity Council.
Named "Caring Corporate" by The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon for two consecutive years
The Group has been supporting the charity work organised by The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society Kowloon. The Group's volunteer team participated in the charity visits including the "LST Charity Candy Campaign" and the "LST Buddy Mid-Autumn Festival Volunteer Service", showing love and care to the elderly in need. The Group was presented a "Caring Corporate" certificate for supporting the events.
Participating in the "SHKP Vertical Run For Charity" for five consecutive years
For five consecutive years, the Group took part in the "SHKP Vertical Run For Charity - Race to Hong Kong ICC" organised by Sun Hung Kai Properties through sponsoring and joining the charity run to meet the challenge of taking 2,000 steps to the 100-storey height sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck, showing our support to services targeting local children and young people.
Supporting SPHC's "Hike for Hospice" for twelve consecutive years
For the 12th year in a row, the Group made donation as well as participated in the "Hike for Hospice" charity event held by the Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care, which helps to promote hospice and caring service and death education, and to provide hospice counseling service. Members of the participating team strived their very best in the short route event, which mixed sports with charity in order to contribute to the society with unity.
Supporting the "Ronald McDonald House Charities" sales of charity raffle tickets
The Group supported the "Summer Charity Campaign" of the Ronald McDonald House Charities for the second consecutive years. In addition to donation and sponsorship, the Group formed a volunteer team to take part in sales of charity raffle tickets with a view to sending warm support and showing care to children in need by active participation in charity.
Participating in the "Make a Dream" Youngster Life Guide Program with Po Leung Kuk
The Group has been committed to nurturing talents for the society. As invited by Po Leung Kuk Life Planning & Financial Education Centre, the Group formed a volunteer team to take part in the "Make a Dream" youngster life guide program, which offers real job interview to nearly a hundred of senior secondary students, allowing them to well-equipped with firsthand experience for future social life.
Fully support "Project WeCan" for the second year
The Group took part in the "Project WeCan" for the second year, offering all-round support to designated partner school, HKSKH Bishop Hall Secondary School. This includes launching the "Job Tasting Programme" which offers internship to senior secondary students, and gives students an opportunity to perform at the Group's Annual Dinner 2016, sponsoring the school's annual English musical show, offering funding to allow students to take part in the "Young Innovators Bazaar", participating in the school's inter-society teacher-student relay race, etc.
The Gold Award at CLP's GREENPLUS Award Programme
The Group adopts various energy-saving measures, which include recycling outmoded fluorescent tubes at all of its branches, using more energy-saving LED lamps, etc. These measures have successfully cut the average usage of electricity by approximately 13% at each branch as compared with last year. Midland Realty was awarded the "Gold Award in the Retail - Chain Store Sector" and "Joint Energy Saving Award" at GREEN PLUS Award Programme of CLP Power Hong Kong Limited.
Sponsoring "Lifeline Express Charity Run/Walk"
for five consecutive years
The Group sponsored the "Lifeline Express Charity Run/Walk" organised by Lifeline Express for five consecutive years. The charity event received enthusiastic responses from staff, and raised funds for the Lifeline Express, a hospital train aiming to give the gift of sight to cataract patients in remote areas in mainland China.
Winning again "Employer of Choice Award 2015"
The Group, adhering to the "people-oriented" principle, builds a quality work environment and development platform for its staff to promote a caring culture within the Group. Midland Realty again received the "Employer of Choice Award 2015" organised by Job Market, which affirms its success in the industry.
Honoured as "Caring Company" for twelve consecutive years
The Group has been proactively contributing to the community. For the 12th year in a row, it has been awarded the Caring Company Logo by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service, which has affirmed the Group's practice in good corporate citizenship initiatives.
"Brighten Your Future" Life Planning Program with Po Leung Kuk
The Group's volunteer team and members from its Distinguished Salesperson Award (DSA) Club joined Po Leung Kuk's "Brighten Your Future" Life Planning Program which offers primary school graduates working experience so that they can start planning for their future.
"Great Entrepreneurial Spirit" Award
Apart from offering professional services, the Group also participated in the "School-Company-Parent Program" held by Young Entrepreneurs Development Council to show its commitment to the community. Through the program, the Group offered career consultation and training for secondary school students. The contribution was recognised and Midland Realty was presented the "Great Entrepreneurial Spirit" Award.
Sponsoring "Project WeCan"
Supporting "Project WeCan" through sponsorship, "Midland Charitable Foundation" will donate a total of HK$2.5 million to support HKSKH Bishop Hall Secondary School to improve the learning environment via a wide spectrum of funding projects and volunteer services in five years. A few projects have been completed in the first stage, which include offering funds to the school to set up a multimedia learning centre and a language learning centre, funding students to take part in the "Young Innovators Bazaar 2015" as well as participating in the school's sports days, etc.
"Outstanding Corporate Social Responsibility Award"
Apart from offering professional services, the Group is also committed to community giving and practising corporate social responsibility. Its work has been recognised by magazine Capital Entrepreneur, which awarded Midland the "Outstanding Corporate Social Responsibility Award". Midland is the only property agency to have received the award. Ms. Angela WONG, the Group's Deputy Chairman was present at the award-giving ceremony to receive the honour where she also shared the Company's experience, setting a good example for the industry.
"2013/14 Family-Friendly Employers Award"
As a people-oriented corporate, the Group actively implements family-friendly policies so that employees can better use their time to commit to their family duties. In the "Family-Friendly Employers Award Scheme" organised by the Family Council, Midland was presented with the "2013/14 Family-Friendly Employers Award".
Named "Manpower Developer 1st"
As always, the Group regards talents training and development as its responsibility. Midland University has been established to foster the elites in the industry, striving to promote the professionalism of the industry. We were conferred the "Manpower Developer 1st" title in the 5th "ERB Manpower Developer Award Scheme" organised by the Employees Retraining Board. Through which, the philosophy of "People-oriented, Development-targeted" has been uplifted.
Being a priority sponsor of ORBIS "World Sight Day" for five consecutive years
Coming to the fifth year, the Group again became the Early Bird Sponsor for the Pin Campaign under ORBIS "World Sight Day" to contribute in eliminating blindness. Apart from donation from "Midland Charitable Foundation", staff also actively took part in the charity event. ORBIS had presented a certificate of appreciation to the Group to thank its unfailing support.
"Employer of Choice Award 2014"
The Group values its talents. It not only offers training to its staff, but also creates a good working environment for its employees and lets them grow together with the Company and share our success together. The work was recognised and the Group was selected among other companies to win the "Employer of Choice Award 2014".
"Joint Energy Saving Award 2014"
The Group values and puts efforts in environmental protection and energy saving and sees it as its corporate social responsibility. In the GREEN PLUS Recognition Award 2014 held by CLP Power Hong Kong Limited, the Group was awarded the "Joint Energy Saving Award".
Grants for affected employees of earthquake in Sichuan
The Group was concerned about the employees and their families affected by the earthquake in Ya'an, Sichuan. In addition to express our concern over them, we also granted extra paid leave for a week and relief fund for the affected employees according to their needs, so that they could return their home within the shortest time.
Financial assistance for Aoi Pui School's new campus
Aoi Pui is a school providing trainings and learning opportunities for autism children. Since its inception, the Group had been making donations. Later, we financially assisted the relocation of the school, and that particular classroom was named as "Midland Charity Funds" by the school.
Supporting "New Territories Walk" physically and financially
The Group sponsored the "New Territories Walk". With a strong support by our frontline and back-office staff, fundings for the Community Chest's children and teenagers services were raised, which would be utilised for the better future of our next generation through diversified development and training programmes.
Sponsoring Lifeline Express "Charity Run/Walk" the third year in a row
The Group had been proactively sponsoring "Charity Run/Walk" organised by Lifeline Express, a charitable organisation for the third year in a row. Led by the management, Midland's volunteering team strongly supported the event. Through personal participation, they raised funds for the cataract patients in poor areas in China.
Being "Caring Company" for consecutively 11 years
The Group has been proactively contributing to the community by carrying out charitable works. It is the 11th year consecutively conferred the "Caring Company" logo by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service. It is to recognise the Group's exercising good corporate citizen spirit, caring and mobilizing employees to take part in volunteering services, and allocating resources to support the activities that can improve the community livelihood and environment.
Sponsoring "World Sight Day" the forth year in a row
To fight for more chances for the patients of eye-disease in poor areas to get cured, the Group became the Early Bird Sponsor for the Pin Campaign under the "World Sight Day" of ORBIS the forth year in a row, to help the blind to see again.
Give warmth to Ya'an
After the earthquake in Ya'an, the Group established "Midland China 4.20 Caring Fund", to raise funds from the staff of Midland China. The funds raised would be utilised to purchase the relief materials that were urgently needed by the earthquake victims. We even subsequently organised in-house volunteering team to make personal delivery of the materials to various spots where the earthquake occurred, so that the victims would obtain the material as early as possible. The spirit of cooperation during difficult times was fully exercised.
Training the most number of "elite property agents"
As a pioneer in training, "Midland University" under the Group launched many professional training programmes. The tailormade licensing classes for those who intend to enter the industry to prepare for the licensing examinations are the most popular classes in Midland University. In a licensing examination for property agents, our students have attained very good results, with 64 students obtained excellent results, representing 65% of the number of people who attained "champion" creating the brilliant record in Hong Kong. The record of fostering the most number of "elite property agents" in Hong Kong that the Group set has benefited the entire industry.
Caring Company
For the ninth year in a row, the Group was named a "Caring Company". The Group is committed to giving back to society by proactively participating and sponsoring various charitable and corporate social responsibility activities.
Lifeline Express "Charity Run/Walk"
The Group sponsored Lifeline Express "Charity Run/Walk" for the second year in a row. The management and staff supported the activity by participating in the walk in order to raise funds for the cataract patients.
Race to ICC-100-SHKP Vertical Run for the Chest
The Midland Charitable Foundation sponsored staff of the Group to participate in the Corporate Relay Race of the "Race to ICC-100-SHKP Vertical Run for the Chest". They took the challenge to run up to the top of the highest building in Hong Kong, serving the dual purposes of charity and fitness.
ORBIS World Sight Day 2012
Over the years, the Group has all along participated in the charitable activities run by Orbis in the hope that the vision of the visually impaired patients living in poor areas can be restored.
"Know Carbon, No Carbon"
The Group pays attention to environmental protection issues by joining and sponsoring the annual environmental protection activity named "Love of the Earth 2012: Know Carbon, No Carbon" organized by Junior Chamber International Sha Tin. The idea of living with carbon reduction and cherishing environment was promoted through such event.
Large-scale seminars with Bloomberg
The Group was invited to jointly organize a large-scale seminar with Bloomberg, offering the analysis on the market trend from different perspectives to deepen the public's knowledge of the real estate market.
Hong Kong Smoke-free Leading Company Awards
The Group always pays attention to the health of its staff and is committed to promote smoke-free culture. The Group was awarded the Hong Kong Smoke-free Leading Company Awards by Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health in 2012 to commend the Group for taking the lead in the promotion of smoke-free culture and its fulfillment of the spirit of good corporate citizenship.
Caring Company
The Group believes in giving back to society and living up to corporate social responsibility and has been living up to this principle for a number of years. For the eighth year in a row, the Group was named a "Caring Company" with various member companies, including Midland Realty, Legend Upstar Holdings Limited* (Stock Code: 459) and Hong Kong Property Agency, being honored.
Walk for Millions
Midland Realty is public-spirited that a VIP team formed by the Group's residential property division joined the Community Chest Walks for Millions in 2011 and raised funds in the name of the Midland Charitable Foundation. While devoting both money and energy, the Group hoped to encourage more community members to care for the needy in society through the event.
Lifeline Express "Charity Run/Walk"
Midland Group, Midland Financial Group and mReferral jointly participated in the Lifeline Express "Charity Run/Walk" to raise funds for the visually impaired.
Midland Cup Raising Fund for Special School
At the Fifth Midland Cup Races, Midland Charitable Foundation called for donations to help a school for children with special needs. Staff donated their time as well as cash, raising a charitable sum of HK$80,000. A cheque was presented to the representative of Chi Yun School in Sham Shui Po by Ms. Angela Wong, the Deputy Chairman and Deputy Managing Director of the Group as well as the Vice President of Midland Charitable Foundation.
Care for the elderly living alone
Joining force with the students of Po Leung Kuk 1984 College and theemployees of the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Group, the Group staff paid visit to the senior living alone at Ming Tak Estate and pre-celebrated Easter.
Credible source of property information
The research department provides market intelligence to Bloomberg, Hong Kong Monetary Authority, and Rating and Valuation Department for the purpose of enhancing the market transparency.
Professional training program
Midland University offered 540 classes in 2011, providing various internal training courses to over 27,000 counts of participants. Training programs ranged from law & regulations, business ethics to professional sales skills and customer services.
Midland Real Estate Professional Development Project
As a pioneering effort, the Group donated HK$2 million to the Open University of Hong Kong to launch the first "Midland Real Estate Professional Development Project". A "Real Estate Industry Summit" as part of the launch ceremony. The program offers two-year courses aiming to raise professional and ethical standards of the industry. And it also serves as a self-learning platform for the market participants and general public, fostering the conviction of "Understand First Then Invest".
2011 SMART Investment & International Property Expo
The representatives of the Group were invited to be the guest speakers at the "2011 SMART Investment & International Property Expo", which was held at HKCEC. Presenting the topic - "The revelation of the success of property investing", the speakers shared their views and investment models with the audiences.
Nurturing the next generation
As the member of the Advisory Board of HKU Business Association, Ms. Angela Wong, the Deputy Chairman and Deputy Managing Director of the Group, has a strong tie with the University of Hong Kong. Few years in a row, a number of Midland executives were invited to share their experience and knowledge on management with students at the University of Hong Kong, nurturing the next generation of Hong Kong. In January 2011, the management of the Group was invited to share their views on the contributions of property agency industry to the development of the financial sector in Hong Kong with the undergraduates of Open University of Hong Kong.

*Formerly known as Midland IC&I Limited, the Group's related company

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