Board Committees

The Board has established Board committees, including the Executive Committee, Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee, Nomination Committee and Risk Committee for overseeing the respective aspects of the Group's affairs.

(1) Executive Committee

The Executive Committee was established on 21 September 1999 and consists of all the Executive Directors as members. The Executive Committee has the authority delegated by the Board to approve matters relating to the daily operations and management and business affairs of the Group, and also the approval of certain corporate actions of the Company.

(2) Audit Committee

The Audit Committee was established on 4 August 1998 and is chaired by Mr. HO Kwan Tat, Ted, being the Independent Non-Executive Director, with two other members, namely Mr. SUN Tak Chiu and Mr. CHAN Nim Leung Leon. All of the Audit Committee members are Independent Non-Executive Directors.

The Audit Committee meets at least two times a year and when required.

Download our Terms of Reference for Audit Committee

(3) Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee was established on 10 March 2005 and is chaired by Mr. SUN Tak Chiu, being the Independent Non-Executive Director, with four other members, namely Mr. WONG Kin Yip, Freddie, Ms. WONG Ching Yi, Angela, Mr. HO Kwan Tat, Ted, and Mr. CHAN Nim Leung Leon. Majority of the Remuneration Committee members are Independent Non-Executive Directors.

The Remuneration Committee meets at least once a year and when required.

Download our Terms of Reference for Remuneration Committee

(4) Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee was established on 10 March 2005 and is chaired by Mr. HO Kwan Tat, Ted, being the Independent Non-Executive Director, with four other members, namely Mr. WONG Kin Yip, Freddie, Ms. WONG Ching Yi, Angela, Mr. SUN Tak Chiu and Mr. CHAN Nim Leung Leon. Majority of the Nomination Committee members are Independent Non-Executive Directors.

The Nomination Committee meets at least once a year and when required.

Download our Terms of Reference for Nomination Committee

(5) Risk Committee

The Risk Committee was established on 1 January 2016 and chaired by Mr. WONG Tsz Wa, Pierre with three other members, being the Chief Legal Counsel, the Chief Financial Officer and the head of the Internal Audit Department.

The Risk Committee meets at least two times a year and when required.

Download our Terms of Reference for Risk Committee



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